Your business’s intellectual property, goodwill, trade secrets, proprietary information, and copyrights are the lifeblood of your business. Not protecting your most valuable assets could lead to serious business implications, lost profits, and devaluation due to lost market share. The intellectual property lawyers at Wallis & Wallis, P.A. are dedicated to assisting you in attaining, maintaining and enforcing intellectual property rights.
To discuss your specific needs, contact an intellectual property lawyer at our office today at 954-941-9005.
Intellectual Property Matters
Applications and Appeals
Cease and Desist Matters
LicensingTrademark & Copyright Attorneys – Florida law firm – Wallis & Wallis, P.A.
Releases and Contracts for Production
Development and Sale for IP such as:
Trade secrets
Audiovisual Works (Video / Film / Photography)
Please be advised the firm of Wallis and Wallis, P.A. does not practice in the area of Patent Law. Patent Law is a very specialized practice area that requires a Patent attorney.
Do not sit idly by and watch another business or individual infringe on your copyright, trademark or service mark; wrongfully misappropriate your goodwill, product, creation or clients; or interfere with your business. We are committed to ensuring that your intellectual property rights are protected and enforced.